certificate in commercial cookery

Certificate in Commercial Cookery | Pathway to PR

Did you know a certificate in commercial cookery (trade qualification) can become your pathway to PR in Australia? Only if you do it RIGHT.

Australia is one of the largest countries on planet earth with a population of only 26 million people and it has become one of the hottest destinations for people all over the world to travel, study, start a business or simply retire in a peaceful place.

Once you experience beautiful seascapes and colorful culture, you start wondering how you can extend your stay here or even better move in permanently.

So if you want to turn this temptation into reality then your best chance to become a permanent resident is to find a course or skillset for an occupation that Australia desperately needs. If you are able to fill that gap, then you will be far ahead of your competition in securing your future in this beautiful country.

Most international students talk about commercial cookery courses [trade qualifications] as a potential pathway to permanent residency.

However, very few know the real reasons why these courses are so popular and what should you do to take advantage of them.

Over the next few minutes, you will discover how to kickstart a successful career as a chef in Australia and how it can give you an undue advantage to secure your future in Australia.

Chef has been (and still is) one of the hottest occupations for more than 15 years. At the time of writing this blog, there were over 11,000 jobs available all over Australia. Yes, you read it right.

According to seek, the salary for a chef, demi chef, commis chef, chef de partie is around $70,000 per annum, and an executive or head chef can earn as much as $120,000 per annum.

There is a huge demand for skilled chefs in Australia. And this demand is projected to grow by 19% in the next 5 years. There is definitely a space for you.

So how do you take advantage of this?

As an international student, there are a number of courses you can choose that meet your career aspirations and help you achieve your goals. Choosing the right course is a daunting task and a wrong decision can cost you a lot of money, energy, and time.

Therefore, it is very important that you take the time to do your research and make sure you’re not putting your future at risk.

Why is a certificate in commercial cookery very popular among international students?

There are 2 main reasons:

  1. Australia is one of the top tourist destinations and home to one of the best restaurants in the world. It is no surprise that we need trained professionals to lead the way. Chefs and hospitality professionals have been in demand in Australia for decades and still continue to be so.

  2. Because of the massive demand, the chef occupation has been included in a Short-term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL) list meaning anyone with a certificate in commercial cookery or hospitality and associated experience can apply for the relevant visas such as:
    1. 190 – Skilled Nominated (subclass 190)
    2. 407 – Training visa (subclass 407)
    3. 489 – Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 489) – State or Territory nominated
    4. 482 – Temporary Skill Shortage visa (subclass 482) – Short Term Stream
    5. 187 – Regional Sponsor Migration Scheme (subclass 187)
    6. 494 – Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (provisional) (subclass 494) – Employer sponsored stream
    7. 491 – Skilled Work Regional (provisional) visa (subclass 491) State or Territory nominated

What is the Short-term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL) and how does it work?

The Australian government conducts research in order to identify and fulfill the workforce demands of an industry in short-term, medium-term, and long-term.

STSOL is a list of occupations that have been determined by the department of home affairs to be high in demand.

This means anyone with a qualification belonging to the STSOL list can apply for a range of permanent and temporary visas if they meet the eligibility criteria. You can read more about the eligibility criteria here.

Why should I choose a commercial cookery course over other courses?

The main reason for choosing a commercial cookery course is that you don’t need any specialised skills in order to start this course. Unlike other courses and industries, occupational standards for cooking are not very different across the world.

After completing this course and completing your vocational placement in the Australian food industry, you will have the knowledge and experience to work anywhere in the world.

During and after completing your course, you will be exposed to world-class restaurants representing a very colorful food culture in every part of Australia.

These qualifications are recognised in all major countries across the world. All North American and most European countries accept Australian qualifications so if you want to travel the world working as a chef, you can do it.

How much can I get paid working as a chef in Australia?

As per job outlook, your average pay can be up to $1,250 per week.

What is the normal duration of a certificate in a commercial cookery course and how much would it cost?

The duration of the course will vary based on your choice of course. Typically certificate III and Certificate IV in commercial cookery courses have a duration of up to 24 months. The duration can be even longer if you choose to add a diploma of hospitality management to further strengthen your position.

There is a range of factors that may affect this duration such as your previous studies and experience. You can also apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) if you qualify for it.

The cost of these certificates ranges from $14,000 to $32,000. However, if you add the diploma the cost can go up to $40,000.

How do I get started?

At Page Institute, we offer SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery and SIT50416 Diploma of Hospitality Management to both domestic and international students. We offer monthly intakes and competitive pricing.

Why should I choose Page Institute?

Below are the top reasons why we think we can offer you an ultimate study experience

  • We have over 100 years of combined industry experience which means you will be trained under highly qualified and experienced teachers
  • Due to our extensive network of hospitality businesses that we work with for our domestic students, we are in a unique position to offer you a vocational placement that none of our competitors do
  • Our fee is extremely reasonable, and we offer flexible payment options saving you a lot of money
  • We have a world-class training and kitchen facility to make sure you get the best education

Still got questions, fill in the inquiry form and one of our dedicated student support officers will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

For more information, choose one of the courses from the link below and request a free course guide.

Please Note: This article must be read as a guide only and you must conduct your own independent research before making a decision. We do not recommend that you engage in studies for the sole purpose of trying to gain a visa to Australia. Please refer to the department of home affairs’ website for more information.