a quick guide to studying in australia

Studying in Australia | A Quick Guide

What is the quickest way to start working and studying in Australia. The top 10 questions answered.

Are you considering working and studying in Australia? Are you confused about where to get started?
You are not alone!
Australia is one of the most popular destinations globally to work and study. However, deciding where to start with so many education providers and courses is often confusing.
Discover the fastest way to start studying in Australia.
This blog will answer the Top 10 questions to help you understand everything you need to know to kickstart your dream life.

1. Why Should I choose a university?

The choice between going to the university or vocational college will depend on your circumstances and the amount of money you would like to spend initially.

If your goal is to advance your career in your chosen field and you are looking to study for either bachelor or master’s, the university is the best option.

You can choose from a range of courses in virtually any field. Some courses may have pre-admission tests or specific academic requirements for application.

You can apply to become a permanent resident if you choose a course on a skill shortage list.

Course Fee: Approximately AUD 17,000 per semester (6 months)

2. Why Should I choose a Vocational College?

It is the most cost-effective way to enter Australia if you cannot afford the university course fee.

You can secure employment in high-demand and high-paying trades if you choose the right course.

Australia has struggled to find qualified chefs, mechanics, and technicians for a long time.

There are many positions available, mainly in the regional areas.

The most popular courses are commercial cookery, automotive, and telecommunication.

You can even secure a position while you are studying your course.

You can also become a permanent resident if you are studying a trade course in a skills shortage list.

Course Fee: Approximately AUD6500 per semester (6 months)

3. What is the initial cost besides the course fee?

The cost associated with your student visa application varies depending on the number of applicants involved.

Visa Application Requirements

  • Student Visa Fee
    • Single Applicant – AUD630
    • Family – AUD630 (base price) + AUD470 per application over 18 + AUD152 per applicant under 18
  • Insurance
    • Single Applicant – Approximately AUD500 per year
    • Family – Approximately from AUD3000 per year
  • Medical Check-up before arrival
    • The cost varies based on your country
  • Accommodation
    • Single applicant – Approximately from AUD125 per week
    • Family – Approximately from AUD250 per week

The approximate total cost for a single applicant can be up to AUD 2000 plus the travel cost. However, it can be substantially higher if you travel with a family. Refer to the home affairs site for more information.

4. When can I start working?

You can start working as soon as you obtain your Tax File Number (TFN) in Australia. It generally takes up to 4 weeks. We strongly recommend opening up a bank account and applying for your Tax File Number within 72 hours of your arrival.

The bank accounts for students are generally free and take about an hour to open. You can walk into any major bank with your passport and address proof to get started.

5. How much can I earn?

The minimum wage in Australia is AUD 20.33 per hour. However, the hourly rate can differ depending on which industry you work in.

For example, if you work in a restaurant or café, you can expect AUD 21 to 25 per hour. It can be even higher if you are working on the weekends.

Refer to seek and indeed website in Australia to find out the approximate hourly rate for different industries.

6. How long does it take to get visa approval?

The duration of student visa processing varies due to various reasons. The total time can be anywhere from 5 days to up to 52 days or more.

See the below statistics by the Australian government:

  • 25% of the visa processed in 5 days
  • 75% of the visa processed in 18 days
  • 90% of the visa processed in 52 days

7. What is the cost of the student visa preparation by education agents?

The cost of the preparation to apply for your student visa is different among education agents.

This cost can be higher or lower depending on the level of service your agent is offering. It can also change if the agent is not a direct partner with the college or university.

8. How does dependent visa work under the student visa application? 

Dependent family members on a student visa.

A student visa would usually allow you to bring close family members dependent on your student visa.

It is defined as:

A spouse or partner (including same-sex partners) with who you have been living for 12 months. Your or your partner’s children, under 18 or who are still in continuous education (i.e., studying A-levels).

Please note that the work rights granted for the dependent partner will depend on the course of study.

If you are studying for a bachelor’s degree or vocational studies, your dependent partner can work up to 40 hours per fortnight.

However, your partner will have unlimited work rights if you study a master’s degree (coursework or research) or a doctorate.

9. What is the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement?

To secure a student visa in Australia, you must meet the GTE requirement. Under this requirement, you have to demonstrate that you genuinely intend to stay in Australia temporarily to gain an education.

The assessment is based on the following:

  • Your current situation includes your education and employment background (justify study or work gaps of more than 6 months)
  • Why do you want to study in Australia?
  • Which course are you choosing?
  • How does your chosen course impact your future?
  • Details and purpose of your past travel history if any

The Department of Home Affairs will use the information provided in your visa application and supporting documentation to assess the GTE requirement. You may be requested to provide additional information concerning the abovementioned factors.

Your GTE is the most crucial document in your visa application. Therefore, we strongly recommend thoroughly reviewing it before applying for your student visa.

10. Why is it essential to not have a gap of more than 6 months in your work experience or education history?

Any gap of more than 6 months in your study or work experience may have an impact on your visa assessment.

While it is not unusual to have these gaps, you must have a valid reason and sufficient evidence to justify each gap.

The evidence you produce must be authentic and reliable as the visa officers scrutinise these gaps.

If you intend to apply for a student visa, we strongly recommend that you avoid these gaps and build a good professional impression. It goes on to show your sincerity and seriousness.

In summary, it is vital to take the time to consider all your options. Do your research and, most importantly, seek professional advice if you need help.

Are you ready to take the next step?

Consider studying commercial cookery or automotive courses in Australia with Page Institute.

We are one of the most 5-star reviewed education providers in Australia.
If you apply directly to study with us, you can receive the following:

  • Free visa application preparation and lodgement
  • 30% discount on course fee
  • Free airport pick up

We have a team of experts based in your region and Australia who can give you Free consultation to help you make the right choice.

Inquire Now